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A Community-Led Collaborative

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Ramsey County Children's Mental Health Collaborative is a community-led collaborative that uses an “it takes a village” approach to support youth mental health and family wellbeing. Founded in 1997, RCCMHC has grown to become an essential hub and neutral convener that identifies gaps, streamlines access, and provides free direct services for youth and families who typically fall through the cracks of traditional service systems.


RCCMHC was created through a joint powers agreement between the MN Association for Children’s Mental Health, Ramsey County, and six School Districts: Saint Paul Public Schools, Northeast Metro Intermediate School District 916, Mounds View Public Schools, North Saint Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale Schools, Roseville Area Schools, and White Bear Lake Area Schools.


We also collaborate with family service and basic needs agencies, hospitals, clinical and nonclinical specialized care professionals, and healers. And we share joint initiatives with the Suburban Ramsey Family Collaborative. These public-private partnerships make it possible for us to bridge gaps, leverage resources, and transform how families navigate systems.​

Our Purpose, Vision, Mission and Values

RCCMHC is a public entity. Our Joint Powers partners created RCCMHC to perform services on their behalf and in partnership with community.


Youth with (or at risk for) Emotional Disturbance ( ED) or Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED) and their families often have complex needs and move between systems or are served by multiple systems at the same time.


It is necessary to engage systems and families to:

  1. identify needs

  2. develop and sustain an integrated, coordinated and responsive service delivery system that cuts across traditional system boundaries and targets the complex, multi-system needs of youth with or at risk for ED or SED and their families.

  3. ensure that services and supports (match values that have been defined by community). 


Ramsey County youth will have the strengths, skills, relationships, supports, and opportunities that they need to experience mental health and wellbeing.


RCCMHC works across systems to meet the complex needs of youth with mental health disorders and their families. 


RCCMHC believes that services and supports for youth with mental health disorders should be: Accessible, Accountable, Consumer-Directed, Culturally Affirming and Responsive, Linguistically Appropriate, Individualized, Strength-Based, Trauma-Informed, and Wellbeing- Focused.

Strategic Plan

Through a continuous feedback loop with community, our Governing Board makes a strategic plan to meet our goals, reports on how resources are being used, and measures impact. Plans are adapted to respond to new or emerging needs. 

22-27 Strategic Plan DRAFT graphic_Page_1.jpg

Holistic Approach


RCCMHC takes a holistic approach and addresses factors that shape youth mental health and family wellbeing across multiple domains. â€‹

  • Society

  • Environment

  • Community

  • Family 

  • Individual


Image from the 2021 Surgeon General Advisory on Youth Mental Health 

How Can We Help?

Call or Text 800-565-2575

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