Ramsey County Children's Mental Health Collaborative
Working across systems and with families to support children's mental health.
Call or Text (800) 565-2575
Short Videos

Work days are busy and don't leave much time for professional development! But, taking a few minutes to re-charge and learn from others can give new energy and perspective to our work.
Take a few minutes to watch a short video of strategies that support youth mental health, emotions, and behaviors. We link to different videos throughout the year. We are currently highlighting a series of videos by Edutopia
Is there a video topic you would like to see?
Do you have a short video to share?
Email your ideas or video links to wendy@rccmhc.org
Making Connections with Meetings at the Door
2:44 minutes
Making Sure Each Child Is Known
3:08 minutes
Cultivating Trust with One-On-One Time
3:28 minutes
Check In/ Check Out Buddies
*Providing a Daily Support System for Students
3:44 minutes
Every Child Needs a Champion
*Rita Pierson
7:48 minutes
De-Escalation Spaces
*Helping Students Manage Emotions
3:39 minutes
Meditation Helps Lower Truancy and Suspension
*Neighborhoods with Gun Violence
6:32 minutes
Sensory Room
*Helping Students with Autism Focus and Learn
3:04 minutes
Peace Corner
*Creating Safe Space for Reflection
Activating the Brain with Movement Breaks
*Toxic Stress/ Trauma
3:12 minutes
Restorative Circles
*Creating a Safe Environment for Students to Reflect
3:44 minutes
Restorative Approach to Discipline
5:02 minutes
Dialogue Circles to Support Classroom Management
4:04 minutes
5 Keys to Social Emotional Learning Success
6:02 minutes
Smart Hearts
*Social and Emotional Learning Overview
12:51 minutes
Maker Space
*SEL- Problem Solving & Self Regulation
3:55 minutes
Habits, Community & Culture
*Adding SEL classes; Telling a child- "I see you."
3:48 minutes
How Can We Help?
Call or Text 800-565-2575