NOTE: the resources listed below may use the term "health care workers." We have confirmed that they are also available for crisis mental health staff, school linked mental health staff, mental health providers/therapists, child protection staff, case managers, social workers, and paramedics. Many are available for teachers or family-service staff.

Free Service Call to speak with someone in a safe, anonymous and confidential environment between 9am and 9pm. Minnesota Psychiatric Society is teaming with the MN Psychological Association, the MN Black Psychologists Association, and Mental Health MN to offer 20-minute support services calls to support you during these times of high stress. 1-833-437-3466 Available for ALL

MN Mental Health Advocates: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have created a new FREE program to support healthcare workers in accessing mental health resources. Contact us at or 651-321-2340 for more information.

Crew Care is a free mobile app and online resources originally desgned by and for Fire/EMS but now also available to healthcare workers.

Peer RX: Join with your own "Buddy" or have one assigned to you. PeerRx is a FREE, peer-to-peer program for physicians and others working in health care (or, mental health care.) It is designed to provide support, connection, encouragement, resources, and skill-building in order to help participants advance along the Burnout to Thriving Index (Burnout —> Surviving —> Fine —> Well —> Thriving) toward optimal well-being, however you would define that state for yourself. The foundation of the PeerRxMed™ program is PeerRx90, also known as PRx90™, which is structured to support paired clinicians through a “buddy system” and provide a platform to facilitate encouragement, accountability, and mutual support/growth.

Project Parachute aims to provide PRO-BONO therapy for front line health care professionals. Due to licensing board regulations, therapists have to be licensed in the state you reside in to provide telehealth services. Please choose the state you currently live in to see all therapists licensed in that state. Then, select a therapist with availability that most closely matches yours. The therapist will contact you directly to schedule an appointment. Individual and Group therapy options.

Walk-In Counseling Center offers free and anonymous counseling services. Due to COVID-19, all clinics are now phone or virtual. Counseling is for individuals, couples, or families. No appointment or insurance needed. Available for ALL.

Support for Teachers Affected by Trauma is geared toward preK-12 teachers, STAT comprises modules that explore the concepts of secondary trauma, risk factors associated with susceptibility to secondary traumatic stress (STS), the impact of STS across multiple life domains, and tangible self-care skills. If you are struggling, you can skip to module 5 to learn helpful strategies and develop a personalized plan.
Virtual Calm Room Over 80 virtual tools and ideas to distract, relax, and help you cope.
Self Healing Ideas Ideas for providers to help you practice self-compassion.
Visit our pre-recorded training page to find: Heal the Healer (presented by Dr. Aja King) How to heal compassion fatigue and burnout associated with our current community stresses. All strategies are presented through a lens of culture and cultural healing.
Ramsey County Children's Mental Health Collaborative (RCCMHC)
Do you need help finding resources for a family? Is there a community need that we could help to address? Do you just want to vent? Text us at 800-565-2575. Your comments will be private and confidential.
Thank you for your long hours and hard work.
One Voice Children’s Choir | A Tribute to Covid-19 Heroes
Please let us know if you have FREE help for helpers that we can list on this blog.