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“It’s too easy for families like mine to fall through the cracks. My child would not be alive if it weren’t for RCCMHC.”

NEW!  click on the button below to find posters and slide deck from our 11-2024 event.  We will be hosting a series of Zoom meetings over the winter to identify collaborative opportunities that address the increased needs in our community related to youth mental health and caregiver stress. Please let us know if YOU would like to be a part of this process.

If you have any questions about this virtual impact report or other evaluation, please contact RCCMHC Executive Director, Wendy Goodman


Sense of Belonging

A Community-Led Collaborative

RCCMHC is a community-led collaborative that uses an “it takes a village” approach to support youth mental health and family wellbeing. Founded in 1997, RCCMHC has grown to become an essential hub that identifies gaps, streamlines access, and provides free direct services for youth and families who typically fall through the cracks of traditional service systems.


RCCMHC was created through a joint powers agreement between the MN Association for Children’s Mental Health, Ramsey County, and six School Districts. We also collaborate with family service and basic needs agencies, hospitals, clinical and nonclinical specialized care professionals, and healers. And we share joint initiatives with the Suburban Ramsey Family Collaborative. These public-private partnerships make it possible for us to bridge gaps, leverage resources, and transform how families navigate systems. 

RCCMHC works at the systems level, the community level, and the individual level to support youth and family wellbeing. This virtual impact report will primarily focus on the individual level (direct services.)

A Responsive Children's Mental Health Delivery System

Health Equity

Youth & Whole-Family Wellbeing


“Since we started working with RCCMHC we have gained a valuable resource person.  The 1-800 number gives me peace of mind with them answering day and night.  


Our Direct Services

Click on the categories below to learn more and to read quotes from our families.

Classes & Coaching
Collab & Resources
Care & Therapy

Who do we serve?

We primarily serve highly stressed families with complex needs and multisystem involvement. Research shows that these families tend to cycle through crises and underutilize voluntary county and community services. When they first come to RCCMHC, most feel worried, lost, and alone. 

The whole family is our client.

  • At least one child is struggling with emotions/behaviors

  • 1 to 11 children per family

  • 37% of families have 3 or more children

74.6% Black, Indigenous, and people of color

  • 83.2% Saint Paul/SPPS families are BIPOC



  • Most common: English, Spanish, Hmong, Karen

  • 10% do not speak any English

Most caregivers report trauma histories, SPMI, mental illness and/or high ACE scores

RCCMHC families have "...more complex needs than other families we serve  The most common ones are: More families with multiple children under the age of 18, More single parent or single income households, More families with a parent or guardian who's primary spoken language is something other than English, Parents who have specific scheduling needs due to work commitments (for example, a parent who needs in-clinic appointments past 5pm), Higher rates of co-occurring disorders."

"We have had cases where CPS is involved. We have had cases where parents aren't fully supportive of therapy. There are more unique circumstances about families coming from the collaborative versus the general population."

-Therapeutic Partner Agencies 

SNAPSHOT youth and families at intake


  • 67% youth have experienced trauma​

    • See word cloud of keywords generated from trauma inquiry during intake​​

  • Less than 1% report having a youth mental health case manager

  • Less than 1% report CPS involvement 

  • 19% have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) at school

  • 15% have a 504 Plan/ Behavior Plan at school

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  • 66% have experienced recent stressors

    • Most common: Death of a family member or close friend,  Divorce/separation or relationship problems, Change in financial situation)

  • Most are low income

    • 77% have have income based health plans (i.e. Medical Assistance, Straight MA, MN Care) or are uninsured at the time of intake

    • 42% had an adverse event in the past month (i.e. Living in a shelter, delayed medical care, loss of transportation)

    • 58% have difficulty affording expenses (i.e. Rent or mortgage, utilities or bills, food, medical expenses, daycare, basic household items, transportation)

“My child was self-harming. I called everywhere and the waitlists were so long. It would have taken months to get therapy without RCCMHC."


SNAPSHOT youth emotions/behaviors at intake

Most common concerns: EMOTIONS

  • Anger or irritability

  • Sadness, hopelessness, feeling isolated or alone (2 weeks or more)

  • Worry or stress that interferes with daily activities

  • Extreme mood swings; "meltdowns"

  • Difficulty dealing with changes to routine

Most common concerns: BEHAVIORS

  • Difficulty focusing or solving problems

  • Hyperactivity, fidgety; unable to sit still

  • Impulsivity; acting or speaking without thinking it through

  • Not following rules

  • Social withdrawal (from home/friends/activities)

23-24 Numbers-Served

451 families (1,015 youth) received care coordination and whole-family support

  • This is an 82% increase compared to last year


577 youth received Rapid Access or Therapeutic Services 

2,650 participated in programming

  • 1,497 caregivers attended 17 psychoeducation trainings

  • 658 caregivers and providers attended two virtual town halls and one virtual resource fair.” 

  • 495 families attended 18 Moodie Mondays skills groups

  • NOTE: program attendance numbers are not exact because some people attended more than one program or some families logged into online programs with more than one adult or multiple children. 

2,000+ visits for website resources each month. Most visit the calm room, bulletin board, and family program pages.

120 youth received Crisis Kits at time of discharge from the Saint Paul Children's Hospital Emergency Department. These youth did not meet criteria for inpatient mental health services so they get a warm handoff to RCCMHC.

“They gave me HOPE back." 


SNAPSHOT families by School District

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School Districts are our primary referring partner through a joint initiative with the Suburban Ramsey Family Collaborative. 

“I seriously cannot tell you enough how impressed I am with RCCMHC and the very deliberate planning that goes into this collaborative and the umbrella of services that support young people and their families. I have worked in other counties and states- and have never seen something as robust as RCCMHC when it comes to youth mental health, being culturally validating, and meeting the true need of the community.” 

-School District Partner

How is RCCMHC different?

Free, Flexible and Available

  • Caregivers select the supports their family needs

  • Drop in for trainings and youth skills groups

  • Nights, weekends, days

  • Virtual, phone, in-community

  • Texting resource line

  • Quick and easy access; no wait lists or time limits

Relationship focused; Culturally Responsive; and WHOLE-FAMILY

  • RCCMHC "catches" families who do not successfully access services from other sectors in the community. 

  • A Family Care Team holds the family as long as needed; clients do not have to retell their story or stand in long lines to speak to the next available helper.

  • RCCMHC staff and our priority partners mirror our clients' cultures and lived experience.

  • We assess needs/strengths for the whole family and provide comprehensive supports and referrals 

We Do Whatever It Takes To Remove Barriers

  • Multiple therapy options and nontraditional therapeutic support options.

  • Transportation, interpreter, easy ROI form sent to cellphone etc.

We Partner with Community

  • Client families design all programming with RCCMHC staff and local providers everything from our documentary-style training film to our "sailboat" Navigation Tool to our classes and skills groups.

  • We compensate families for their policy work and invest in youth and caregivers as leaders. 

"At RCCMHC you don't have to chase down your worker to try to get help."


“It feels more community-based and I feel extremely supported by the staff and other parents/caregivers alike!"

"The connection is more like family and that we are are learning some thing rather then feeling judged upon by a highly educated trainer that thinks they know everything."

"Many (other) trainings are very "by the books" and you guys GET that in REAL life you need REAL life things that are easy to remember, apply, and actually WORK. I also love that you guys never claim to be the "authority" on anything and are always looking for new ideas and input from the families as well."

-Parents (when asked: how is RCCMHC different?)

23-24 Trends 

Younger youth need therapeutic services

  • Most RCCMHC youth who needed connection to therapeutic services were ages 7-9

RCCMHC families report higher rates of school refusal/ school avoidance

  • 50% of new RCCMHC clients report their child missed 3+ days in the last month

More RCCMHC families report knowing someone who is using, has overdosed, or died from an overdose of deadly drugs such as fentanyl.

RCCMHC caregivers are reporting higher stress and long waitlists for "safety net" supports such as financial assistance, MA renewals, eviction prevention, and shelter. School staff and local providers say that it has become harder to reach and coordinate services for highly stressed families, including higher “no show” rates. 

Increased needs... combined with mental health workforce shortages... have resulted in 7 to 12 month community waitlists for:  youth therapy (< age 11), skills work, neuropsych testing, and MN Choice Assessments as well as delayed access for youth mental health case management services.

“While on waitlists, we were able to access immediate supports with calm tools, Tuesday Trainings, and Moodie Monday programs. These have both been so helpful for every person in my household, including the adults in helping us with tools and skills."


Ramsey County Families In Crisis

Local and national data show that the youth mental health crisis continues to rise.

  • 400% increase in referrals for RCCMHC direct services since 2020.

  • Children's MN reports a 94% increase in youth mental health visits to the Emergency Department (1700 visits in 2018 and 3300 visits in 2023.)

  • Fairview and Children's both report youth with higher acuity such as suicidal ideation, self injuring behavior and symptoms of major depression presenting to the emergency department. 

  • From 2007 through 2021, suicide rates for Americans ages 10 to 24 rose 62%

Parent/Caregiver mental health is at an all-time low. 

  • A national study by Harvard's Graduate School of Education shows 40% of teens report that they are worried about the mental health of a parent.

“I feel like i checked out on my kids. i love that we have access to these training and they are free for us to learn so we can get better."


Learn More About Our Community Needs


“It's RELATIONSHIP that heals."

-"Priority Partnership" Agency


To evaluate the effectiveness of our direct service interventions, data is gathered through a comprehensive assessment when a family starts working with RCCMHC. We analyze service utilization data, demographic data, client surveys, intake and treatment completion surveys, retrospective post-test designs, interviews and polls. 

RCCMHC also uses a community-engaged approach to program design, implementation, and evaluation that includes qualitative data, collecting stories, and engaging personally with individuals who use the services. 


To evaluate the effectiveness of our "priority partnerships" with local agencies, RCCMHC provides free outcome collection assistance. Agencies distribute quarterly surveys developed and managed by RCCMHC. RCCMHC and our researcher, Dr. Jaime Ballard, analyze results and provide reports to our partners, Board and community. 


“Their care, compassion, and dedication is truly immeasurable. The ability to be vulnerable, and to also be heard, and understood with each and every interaction. Something us mothers or caregivers just don’t come across as much anymore. Having a child with special needs, or any mental illnesses is challenging…to say the least."


“They have helped me with finding a school for my 12 year old, they have helped me with mental health services, they have helped me with grocery resources...."


23-24 Outcomes 
  • 91% report a Sense of Belonging at RCCMHC

  • 94% report that RCCMHC treat them with respect; respect our cultural background 

  • 4.55/5 stars overall satisfaction with RCCMHC services 

  • 98% report that what they learn makes a difference in their families

  • 92% use RCCMHC tools such as CALM toolkit supplies

  • 87% have learned 1 or more new skills (coping, parenting, resources)

    • 100% who attended trainings learned a new skill they can use with their family​

  • 84% report quicker access to care

  • 96% of Resource Fair attendees learned about a new resource. 

  • 75% report they have learned how to connect to resources​​​​

  • Care coordination- typical range of interactions (up to 55)

    • 57.29% had 10 to 20 interactions

  • 70% of families report that RCCMHC brought together a Care Team to support their family (or is in process of bringing one together.) For example- case manager, school social worker and therapist, etc.)​

  • 97% of referred families completed youth and family screenings for therapeutic services and care coordination

    • Less than 3% were ineligible or did not reply to outreach.

“When I first found this group from a search on how to help my struggling son I felt hopeless, unsupported, and judged. His mental health was at an all-time low and my husband and I felt we were underwater just barely able to breathe. Through RCCMHC we found help, friends, mentors, resources, and support.  RCCMHC turned our bleak reality into a changed family unit. We are more united, mentally healthier, and more hopeful of our futures.  The support of RCCMHC has been available every time we needed it! I can't even begin to say how thankful our entire family is for everything that has been given to us from RCCMHC!


SNAPSHOT financial outcomes
  • Families report 21% less adverse experiences after working with RCCMHC for one month or longer (i.e. unemployment, delayed medical care, eviction or homeless)​​​

  • Families who work with RCCMHC for one month or longer have less problems paying for basic expenses than our new families do.

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SNAPSHOT school attendance outcomes

​School attendance improves when families work with RCCMHC for one month or longer.

  • ​68% improvement (clients reporting 0 to 2 days missed in the last month)

  • 51% reduction in high absenteeism  (10 days or more in the last month)


"In the past, my husband was not able to attend family therapy due to his work schedule.  My son connected well with the therapist (through RCCMHC.) Her availability worked with our family's schedule, which allowed my husband to be present during family therapy meetings, and I didn't have to pull my son out of school early for his individual therapy. She came to our home on the family therapy weeks- prepared and with a plan."



SNAPSHOT mental health outcomes
  • 86% report that their child/teen or family used a new skill that they learned from their therapist in the last month

  • 67% increase in family resilience score after therapy

  • 48% report behavior or symptom improvement for youth in therapy

  • 57% report improvement in daily life for youth in therapy

  • Fraser reported that 80% of their youth/family clients  demonstrated positive clinical and functional outcomes based on ECSII/CASII scores over the course of services

  • Parents/caregivers report that youth decreased from moderate to mild symptoms, a reduction on the PHQ-4 from 9.00 out of 12 to 4.48 out of 12

  • Our therapeutic partner agencies provided these additional services that were not covered by our grant funding: Adult therapy, Youth mental health case  management, Psychological and neuropsychological testing, Speech and occupational therapy, Parenting classes/programs, ARMHS or adult case management. 

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"I have had several difficult cases in case management that involve deep trauma and complex generational mental health struggles. Through case consultation, RCCMHC has helped me sort out what would be good support services for each individual in the family. Being a case manager can be overwhelming and RCCMHC has helped me to be able to ground myself and refocus on the needs of the family."


-Local Provider


"They have a calming and caring presence that you won't find anywhere else! They also have the "best of the best" in resources and make referrals easier and more streamlined. The connections with parents has been great because they allow my families a safe space to ask questions and learn about navigating the system and empowering them to be strong advocates for their children. " 

-Local Provider

Local Partnerships 

As it says in our name- the essence of our work is collaboration.


In addition to our systems-level partners, RCCMHC regularly engages with 50+ local agencies to support our client families through a Family Care Team approach. These local agencies also work with us to identify service gaps, leverage resources or develop tools (such as our online search tool or new waitlist tool.) 350+ providers participate in advisory committees and task groups. RCCMHC also partners with the Suburban Ramsey Family Collaborative (SRFC) and their expanded network of 500+ basic needs and family service providers.

RCCMHC partners with local agencies to offer professional development trainings and resource events several times per year. To streamline access, RCCMHC and SRFC also have "priority partnership" grants for Rapid Access, therapeutic services, and whole family supports that are not billable to insurance.  As we collaborate, we are careful to enhance- not duplicate- the work of our partners.

“I am ALWAYS impressed with your efforts to build such a beautiful community for people... Your group has been such a life-line for me, a good reminder that people want the best for each other,  care for each other unconditionally vs being treated like a transaction. " 

-Local Provider

Innovative Outputs

RCCMHC develops innovative solutions to address community needs.  Each idea is generated in collaboration with our client families, system partners and local providers. We also formally partner with the Suburban Ramsey Family Collaborative (SRFC) through a memorandum of understanding.


All of the outputs below can be replicated.

Available to the public

For RCCMHC staff and/or priority partner agencies 

  • RCCMHC app for collaborative staff

    • supports hybrid/ remote work and time tracking

    • manages all client interactions in one place- texting, phone, email, virtual

    • 800# Resource Line

    • tracks in-community "safe visits" and mileage

    • outreach templates and tools

    • shared internal resources 

  • A virtual system for data tracking, client management and case note records

    • This was developed internally and tailored for collaborative, cross-system work.

  • "Sailboat" intake and navigation form; triage form; care team form

  • Trainings- tested and tailored to Ramsey County families with complex needs, multiple children and multiple diagnoses, and BIPOC families. 

  • Outcome surveys

    • Wording and virtual distribution process was developed with client families and community providers

“The last training provided me skills to better communicate with my teen son with affirmations to build his confidence. I immediately used it, and now things are going a lot better with my son and I."


Decision-Making is Driven and Defined by Community

Listen.  Understand.  Respond. 

We actively engage community members, families, and family service providers in decision-making processes and program development. This ensures that interventions are relevant and impactful. 

Community-Based Committees, Task Groups and Listening Sessions


RCCMHC engages hundreds of families, system partners, service providers, and community leaders through community-based listening sessions, surveys, interviews, advisory committees and task groups to identify needs, develop interventions, analyze outcomes and address service gaps. 


One example is our Family Services Committee which includes 75+ caregivers of children with mental health concerns who are involved in multiple systems. Most committee members have BIPOC families, report high ACE scores, trauma histories, and/or mental illness.


Direct Feedback

One benefit of being a trusted member of the community is that people aren't afraid to speak their minds! Parents, youth and providers regularly provide one-on-one feedback and ideas through phone, email or our 800# Resource Line. Caregivers, youth, and providers who have been part of RCCMHC the longest feel a sense of ownership and they are proud of the community and programming they have created.

“The survey you sent out is such a great way to take a step back and actually see the blessings that you have supported us with. This survey was as helpful for me as it will probably be for you for resources.  It's sometimes hard to see the bigger picture when we struggle with tunnel vision to figure out the rat race of today's opportunities."


RCCMHC Governing Board 

Our Governing Board includes: Ramsey County Social Services, Corrections, Public Health, County Commissioner, MN Association for Children’s Mental Health (MACMH), Districts 621 (Mounds View), 622 (North St Paul), 623 (Roseville), 624 (White Bear Lake), 625 (SPPS), and 916 (Northeast Metro Intermediate) and 1 youth, 2 parents and 2 provider representatives who also chair our community advisory committees. All system partners contribute in-kind resources and/or funding to RCCMHC. Several times each month, RCCMHC convenes families, system partners, service providers, and community leaders to share trainings, plan jointly, align resources, track outcomes, participate in community-based listening sessions, and make systems-level decisions.  

“RCCMHC has played an important role in engaging our community by allowing families and community partners to come together to ensure that the needs and relevant issues in Ramsey County are being discussed. They help to explore and develop solutions that are innovative and positive for our larger community."

-Community Leader


RCCMHC staff include: an Executive Director, Family Engagement Coordinator, Family Support Specialists, and Peer Coaches. Their professional backgrounds are: social workers, community health workers, mental health professionals, resource navigators, and certified peer coaches.  

​Languages: Spanish, Hmong, Somali

All RCCMHC staff have lived experience with mental health, trauma, and/or poverty.

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“They help me with learning how and what to do with my children in ways that I haven’t thought of , they help with mental health issues I or family and friends may have that we don’t want to talk to anyone else about.


Lived Experience, Equity and Belonging

Inequities can result when the people most likely to be impacted are excluded from decision-making.


RCCMHC's commitment to engaging community and sharing power ensures that our programs and services are not only responsive but also tailored to the unique needs of the diverse populations in Ramsey County. ​

  • 64% of our Board members identify as BIPOC and many have lived experience with youth mental health.

  • All RCCMHC staff have lived experience with mental health, trauma, and/or poverty. Most are BIPOC, some are multilingual, and some are members of the LGBTQ community. 

  • We intentionally partner with BIPOC-owned and culturally specific agencies to guide our work. These partnerships also make it possible for us to make “best fit” resource connections based on criteria identified by each client family.

  • We engage client families and service providers as full partners in program evaluation and development. We use BOTH  quantitative and qualitative data collection. *(see below- limitations to quantitative program evaluation.)

  • We use a relationship-based approach that increases sense of belonging for staff, client families, and  system partners.

“I am so appreciative to RCCMHC for helping us find the right help for our son after experiencing several stressful and frightening situations in our home.  We have worked on resolving family conflict and finding healing through Trauma Therapy.  We are still in the midst of the therapy but I have seen great strides in my son's ability to identify, communicate, and express his feelings when previously he would just suppress them. Going through this process with him has also been helpful to me in learning new skills to assist him and our other children when coping with difficult situations.


Evidence-Based Interventions 

RCCMHC interventions are aligned with the following research-informed approaches and best practice recommendations. 

Scroll below to read about Systems-Level Interventions, Family and Community-Level Interventions, Individual Interventions, Screening Tools and Research Limitations. 


Systems-Level Interventions


  • SAMHSA System of Care Model, which advocates for a coordinated network of community-based services and supports to meet youth and family needs.  Systems of care are: family driven; individual, strengths based, and evidence informed; youth guided; culturally and linguistically competent; provided in the least restrictive environment; community based; accessible; collaborative and coordinated across an interagency network.(SAMHSA, 2015)

    • RCCMHC was instrumental in obtaining a $12M MN System of Care grant and a $628,500 Ramsey County Systems of Care Grant (2017-2022)

  • Collective Impact is a research informed approach to collaboratively address complex community issues. Collective impact initiatives include a centralized infrastructure, a dedicated staff, and a structured process that leads to a common agenda, shared measurement, continuous communication, and mutually reinforcing activities among all participants (Spark Policy Institute, 2018) 

    • Eight principals of practice: 1) Design and implement the initiative with a priority placed
      on equity, 2) Include community members in the collaborative, 3) Recruit and co-create with cross-sector partners, 4) Use data to continuously learn, adapt, and improve, 5) Cultivate leaders with unique system leadership skills, 6) Focus on program and system strategies, 7) Build a culture that fosters relationships, trust, and respect across participants, 8) Customize for local context​

    • Centralized infrastructure should: • Have a high level of credibility within the community• Serve as neutral conveners• Have a dedicated staff• Build key relationships across members of the initiative• Focus people’s attention and create a sense of urgency• Frame issues to present opportunities and difficulties• Use evaluation as a tool for learning and progress• Ensure coordination and accountability • Stay “behind the scenes” to establish collective ownership

Family and Community Interventions

  • The Self-Healing Communities Model is a research informed approach to reduce health issues and social problems (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2016) The model is built on the concept of empowering families and communities to recognize their own ability to make change and create spaces for healing, belonging, and hope.  ​

  • ​Strengthening Families Framework, a research-informed approach to increase family strengths, enhance child development, and reduce the likelihood of child abuse and neglect.(Center for Study of Social Policy, 2024)

    • This framework uses the foundational ideas of two-generation approach, consideration of culture, strengths-based perspective, biology of stress, resilience theory, focus on well-being, and nature of risk and protective factors.

    • It focuses on building 5 protective factors: 1) Parental resilience, 2)Social connections, 3) Knowledge of parenting and child development, 4) Concrete support in times of need, and 5) Social and emotional competence of children. 


  • The Whole Family Approach is a term that our families started using back in 2013. It was described in our documentary film Children's Mental Health: The Whole Story as a multi-generational service approach built on the
    understanding that children live, grow, and thrive in families. It is supported by DHS through the MN Whole Family Systems Initiative as an evidence based practice. 

    • Key elements of this philosophy are: 1) Families can be a source of risk and resilience, 2) One size does not fit all, 3) Services are individualized, flexible and holistic, 4) Child and adult service systems work together.

Individual Interventions

  • Relationship Based Resource Navigation: Results from MN's pilot of Family Navigators & Community Resource Hubs "demonstrated that families’ access to services is improved by investing in community-rooted organizations, relationship-based strategies, and system navigation infrastructure."

    • MN has implemented several successful community-informed family navigation models: community resource hubs, family resource centers, family service collaboratives, full-service community schools, community action programs, education partnerships grants, kinship navigation programs, Head Start family advocates, and more. 

  • Teaching Families to Fish: How to Support Families as Care Coordinators:  This policy brief recommends that care coordination services should be purposely designed to support families’ preferred role as principal care coordinator. 

    • Our Family Services Committee is made up of families who receive services through RCCMHC and our system partners. They have taken this concept even further. One caregiver said- "teach us to fish... but also give us a fishing pole, show us where the lake is, and make sure we have access to the lake!" Another caregiver added-- "Yes! Sometimes the lake is frozen!" 

Screening Tools


In feedback sessions, caregivers and providers told us that most screening tools are outdated and/or they are not culturally responsive or strengths based. So, our community developed our very own "Sailboat" Navigation Tool that we use for our caregiver-guided Youth and Family Screening. It was created with our client families, local providers, Ramsey County Case Management, Public Health, Crisis Response, and Child Protection. And it continues to evolve with community input. 


RCCMHC's Resource Navigation Tool is not a diagnostic instrument and does not include rating scales or measures. RCCMHC Family Support Specialists use the navigation tool to guide and track conversations with caregivers about their family's needs and opportunities. After completing this youth and family psycho-social screening, the Family Support Specialist will work with the parent/guardian to develop their Care Team. Each Care Team is tailored to the needs of the family and may include: a Family Coach (peer to peer), other RCCMHC staff with specialty backgrounds, School, County, mental health and/or other family service providers. The Care Team works together to connect the family with mental health, basic needs, and whole family wellbeing resources or supports. 


RCCMHC's Navigation Tool aligns with the best practice recommendations and research-informed screening tools below. ​


  • A Strengths-Based Approach to Screening Families for Health-Related Social Needs (Center for the Study of Social Policy; 2018)

    • Six recommendations include: 1) Involve families and communities in the development of screening tools and protocols. 2) Screen for both risk factors and protective factors. 3) Set person-centered screening priorities within the universe of health-related social needs. 4) Ensure that screening is conducted by care team members trained and supervised in strengths-based approaches. 5) Recognize that screening for health-related social needs is not risk-free for families, and proceed accordingly. 6) Acknowledge family-level risks and strengths in a broader historical context



  • Protocol for Responding to and Assessing Patients’ Assets, Risks, and Experiences (PRAPARE)


  • American Academy of Pediatrics: Symptoms and Signs Suggestive of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Concerns

Research Limitations and

Limitations to Evidence Based Practice 

  • There is a limited evidence base for treatments that engage low-income, highly stressed families to support mental health and family resilience

  • The family as a whole is impacted by toxic stress, trauma, and mental health challenges, and yet few evidence-based programs address the whole family.

    • There are many evidence-based treatments for individuals, such as CBT. TF-CBT, and EMDR, as well as a few that include families though focusing on an individual teen, such as Multisystemic Therapy and Functional Family Therapy.

    • “There are few well-developed, standardized and empirically supported family therapies for treating family systems impacted by trauma…. Family treatments that are sensitive to the traumatic context of urban poverty, that include engagement strategies that incorporate alliances with primary and extended family systems, that build family coping skills, and that acknowledge cultural variations in family roles and functions are needed to adequately address the needs of this population.”  (Collins, K., Connors, K., Davis, S., Donohue, A., Gardner, S., Goldblatt, E., Hayward, A., Kiser, L., Strieder, F. Thompson, E., 2010)

  • Adapting Evidence-Based Practices for Under-Resourced Populations (2022 SAMHSA Issue Brief) 

    • Communities and individuals benefit when they receive behavioral health services that are clinically proven effective, equitable, and culturally appropriate. Tailoring care, programs, and services to the cultural, social, gender, and other socio-demographic contexts of individuals served yields positive outcomes.

  • Redefining Evidence-Based Practices: Expanding our View of Evidence is a 2020 issue brief by the Center for Law and Social Policy that highlights the shortcomings of EBPs- in particular, their cultural responsiveness. 

    • This issue brief highlights 3 alternative standards for documenting effective programs and practices: 1) Practice Based Evidence, 2) The Social Innovation Fund, and 3) Community-Centered Evidence-Based Practice. 

  • Limitations to EBPs and Quantitative Program Evaluation: A focus on outcomes, particularly if they are not endorsed by the community, poses the risk of treating people as numbers and of passive recipients of services, rather than as leaders and full partners in creating community health (Landry & Xiong, 2018).  As Landry and Xiong (2018) describe in a related context, such an approach "has the potential to replicate long-standing historical injustices" (Landry & Xiong, 2018).  A community-engaged approach to program design, implementation, and evaluation includes community members as empowered and full partners. Qualitative data collection, collecting stories, and engaging personally with individuals may be more empowering methods of engaging participants as full partners in program evaluation. 


Financial Reports for 2021 and 2022 

Collaboratives grow and are sustained through our Integrated Fund. (Minnesota Statutes Sections 245.491 to 245.495). The Integrated Fund is a pool of public and private local, state, and federal resources as well as in-kind donations and services which are consolidated at the local level and used to develop and implement cross-system and integrated services or supports that meet locally agreed-upon goals for youth with mental health disorders and their families.


Learn more here.

Sustainability and Need for Support

African American Girl Planting a new Pla

RCCMHC operates with very little overhead so direct services to youth and families make up the largest portion of our expenses. We blend funding and in-kind resources from our JPA partners, local agencies, government, and private foundations.  See more about our Integrated Fund and Local Collaborative Time Study. 


Referrals to RCCMHC have increased exponentially. To serve more families, we released funding reserves, increased collaborative partnerships, and added funding from foundations and government contracts. Despite these efforts, community needs continue to outpace revenues. So staff caseloads have increased (50-70 families per FTE) and some services (like our nonbillable bank) have been paused. 

Invest in What Works

Your donation of funding or in-kind resources can help to sustain or expand our collaborative work!

Please email for more information.

  • Increase the number of families served and reduce caseloads.

  • Increase number of direct service staff; assign per school district and/or embed with community agencies to strengthen cross-system communication and relationship building within Care Teams.

  • Increase Rapid Access appointments and therapeutic services that are not billable to insurance.

  • Add administrative support.

  • Continue to offer "concrete supports" such as CALM Toolkit supplies, Family Care Binders and Emergency Department crisis kits. 

  • Continue to offer or expand innovative tools that improve multi-system collaboration and whole family wellbeing. 

  • Re-open our Nonbillable Services Bank- a flexible option for local agencies that funds urgent service gaps in our community. Nonbillable Services Bank recipients collaborate with RCCMHC direct service staff and our system partners. 

    • For example- If mental health agencies continue to struggle with staff capacity and long waitlists for youth under age 11, funds could be used to innovate therapeutic groups or other support options to increase access. 

  • Families have asked for these programs to be expanded through RCCMHC or through RCCMHC partner agencies:​

    • More Moodie Mondays youth skills groups; option for youth under age 6​

    • Parent support groups

    • In-person options for parent trainings, family respite activities and resource events

Final message from our families and providers

as seen in our training film: Children's Mental Health: The Whole Story

THANK YOU to these funding and in-kind resource partners who make our work possible... 

Ramsey County 

Mounds View School District 621 

North Saint Paul School District 622

Roseville Area School District 623

White Bear Lake School District 624

St Paul School District 625

Northeast Metro Intermediate School District 916


Suburban Ramsey Family Collaborative 

Saint Paul Children's Collaborative 

Saint Paul Foundation 

Bigelow Foundation 

Blue Cross Blue Shield 

Affinity Bank 


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These agencies prioritize multi-system collaboration and blend their own agency resources with our grant funding to support RCCMHC families in 24-25 

Crecer Services LLC


Metro Social Services Inc.

Natalis Counseling and Psychology Solutions

Peak Behavioral Health

Roots Wellness Center

Winston Behavioral Health


We are also grateful for our wide collaborative network of referral partners- basic needs agencies, family service agencies, mental health/ primary care agencies, and hospitals. It takes a village!

"It's hard at times, daring to even ask for help, advice, or support. Maybe fears, or even of being a burden, dreading the all too common “we can get you added to the waitlist” speech.


Thankfully, you’ve made this journey a blessing. 🤍


How Can We Help?

Call or Text 800-565-2575

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