Ramsey County Children's Mental Health Collaborative
Working across systems and with families to support children's mental health.
Call or Text (800) 565-2575

Thu, Mar 18
Behavioral Intervention
Learn criteria for inpatient hospitalization and difference between a mental health emergency and a behavioral crisis. Learn practical behavioral intervention/ deescalation strategies and appropriate interventions. This FREE training takes place during our Advisory Council. CEUs are available.
Time & Location
Mar 18, 2021, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
About the Event
We will also discuss interventions for youth that have agitated or aggressive behaviors but do not carry a primary mental health diagnosis and youth with a primary diagnosis of Pervasive Developmental disorder or Intellectual Disability with behavioral deregulation that is not an acute change from chronic baseline behaviors.
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Passcode: 047981
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How Can We Help?
Call or Text 800-565-2575