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"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking that we used when we created them."



RCCMHC does things differently. 


Find out More
RCCMHC brings together local stakeholders and families to share ideas, brainstorm solutions, and work toward common goals. 
Our Vision, Mission, and Goals

Our vision is that Ramsey County youth will have the strengths, skills, relationships, supports, and opportunities that they need to experience mental health and wellbeing. Click here to see how we work toward that vision.


Our Work
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RCCMHC coordinates youth, family and community engagement. We also fund professional training and cross- system services and supports such as Innovative Services & School Linked Mental Health Services. Click here to find out more.

What is a MN Collaborative?

In 1993, the Minnesota Legislature approved a set of laws to create COLLABORATIVES as special districts in our state. Click here to find out more about our state mandates, the integrated fund, and the Local Collaborative Time Study (LCTS). 


Our Structure and Committees

RCCMHC has an infrastructure which includes multisystem partnerships, a Governing Board, administrative support, and a number of standing committees and ad hoc task groups to sustain the work of the Collaborative. Click here  to learn more about each committee through an interactive graphic.

Our Story

Join us for a trip down memory lane! RCCMHC's story starts in 1989 when we were just a local coordinating council in Ramsey County...


The Need

1 in 5 youth experience a mental health disorder that seriously impacts their daily life. Most youth with mental health disoreders will not get well and stay well unless we address the needs of the families and communities in which they live. Click here to find out more about the need in Ramsey County.

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